Touring Show: North America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe from April 2002 - August 2010

Producer: Cirque du Soleil

Theater: Under the Grand Chapiteaux

Director: Dominic Champagne

Interesting Facts: The Atherton Twins performed in 3,034 shows with Varekai, never missing a single show in the eight and a half years they flew under the Big Top. They were both followed by a camera crew during the creation of Varekai, which lasted 9 months in Montréal. From this footage, a thirteen episode television series was produced called '“The Fire Within”, which went on to win an Emmy for Best Outstanding Nonfiction Program at the 55th Primetime Emmy Awards.

Full performance Video

At the famous Royal Albert Hall in London

 a Backstage look

Goodbye Varekai 

We would like to collectively thank all our fellow artists and colleagues who we would like to name all individually but the list would be far too long. We’ve experienced so much with you all over the years. So many laughs and so many tears. So many successes and so many failures. So many fights and so many reconciliations. You are all amazing people. Whether from near or far you have influenced and touched our lives with your own masteries. Thanks to you we’re taking away with us the best gift of all. Our memories. Thanks for making our dreams come true.

We miss you!